App description

Check out all the features of the customer service app

Application modules

  • Web app for agents
  • Customer portal
  • Mobile app for agents on iOS and Android platforms

Ticket registration

  • Directly in the app
  • Tickets created based on the received emails
  • Via the contact form on your website
  • Via customer portal


  • Recording work time
  • Internal notes visible only to employees. You can attach files to the note
  • Public notes - available to employees and customers. The note is sent by email to the customers's e-mail address. You can attach files to the note
  • Change logs for the ticket
  • Notifications
  • Knowledge base for employess and customers
  • Reports


  • Configurable permissions for individual users
  • Defining categories of tickets and deadlines for their implementation
  • Employee grouping
  • Customers grouping
  • Set your own logo
  • Defining your own case statuses
  • Closing inactive cases
  • Configurable notifications
  • API for integration with external systems

Notifications for agents

  • A new case has been registered in the system
  • The customer added a new note to the case
  • The customer added a new file to the case
  • The deadline for the case is approaching

Notifications for customer

  • Your case has been registered under the number #
  • A note was added to the case
  • File added to case
  • Change of case status
  • The case has been suspended
  • The case has been closed
  • The case was closed due to lack of response


  • Polish
  • English

Technical requirements

  • The application is hosted on the customer's server
  • System requirements: MS Windows, Linux or MacOs with .NET Framework 7 installed
  • Databases to choose: MS SQL, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL