
Check answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Is it possible to change the logo in the application?
Yes, you can set your logo in the app. It will be visible in the login window and on printouts.
The logo can be changed in the "Application configuration" window ("Add logo" button). To display the imported file, you need to tick the "Show company logo" checkbox.
Is it possible to automatically register cases based on sent email?
Yes, it is. To do this, you need to configure the incoming mail server in the "Configuration" window application". The "Incoming mail handling" tag must be active.
Why does the customer require verification?
The "Requires verification" tag is selected automatically when a new, created case is sent from an e-mail address that is not registered in the system. In such a situation, the system creates a new customer, which the user can verify positively by unchecking the "requires verification" check mark or block it if he considers that the sent message is spam (by ticking the "Blocked" check mark).
No email notifications are sent to a customer who requires verification.
What is a customer group used for?
It is used to group customers from one company/department in order to improve service. If the "Reports visible to everyone in the group" tag is enabled, grouped customers will be able to see all cases reported within their group, receive related notifications, add notes, etc.
What is a user group used for?
It is used to group users under one e-mail address in order to improve case handling. Grouped users will only see cases assigned to their group and will receive notifications about them.
How to change your password in the application?
The password can be changed after logging in to the application in the "User profile" window.
The password can also be changed by the system administrator in the user edit window.
Does the application allow you to calculate case deadline?
Yes, you can set a separate case processing time in days in each category. Additionally, you can set the default execution time in the application configuration window.
How to configure notification sending?
It is necessary to configure the outgoing mail server in the "Application configuration" window. Then, in the "Notifications" - template editing window, you can enable notifications by ticking the "Active" tag.
Each template can be modified. Both the subject and content of the message can be changed. Under each template there is a list of tags that can be used to modify the template. Tags must be used unchanged.
What does a public note and an internal note mean?
A public note is visible to everyone - both internal users and customers. If notifications informing about adding a note are active, the customer will receive such a notification.
A public note cannot be deleted.
Each note added by the customer is a public note. A note added by the user is a public note only if the "Public note" tag is selected when entering it. The internal note is not visible to the customer. It may be deleted by the author of the entry.
What are the technical requirements for the fsDesk Basic application?

The application is hosted on the client's server.

System requirements: MS Windows, Linux or MacOS with .NET Framework 7 installed.   

Database: MS SQL, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL